Author Sign-ups Begin: September 3, 2013
Last Day to submit banners & summaries for blog: December 10, 2013
Last day to contribute submissions: December 15, 2013 @11:59pm EST
Last Day to submit banners & summaries for blog: December 10, 2013
Last day to contribute submissions: December 15, 2013 @11:59pm EST
Last day to donate to Toys for Tots: December 24, 2013 @11:59pm EST
Compilations distribution begins: December 25, 2013 @12:01am EST
Submission posting allowed: January 25, 2014
We are welcoming contributions from any fandom, excluding real-person based fanfiction. Sorry guys, but we need to preserve the privacy and public images of those involved.
We’ll take oneshots, outtakes, future-takes and alternate POVs of chapters, including the first chapters of new multi-chapter stories, but we do ask that you wait until after the posting deadline before you post the rest of the story.
Original fiction is welcome, and encouraged! Stretch your wings! What better opportunity than a charity compilation to hone your writing skills.
We’ll take oneshots, outtakes, future-takes and alternate POVs of chapters, including the first chapters of new multi-chapter stories, but we do ask that you wait until after the posting deadline before you post the rest of the story.
Original fiction is welcome, and encouraged! Stretch your wings! What better opportunity than a charity compilation to hone your writing skills.
Please fill out the form on the author sign-up page so we can add you to our roster.
When preparing your submission, please add the following to the top of your document.
Author Penname:
Banner Link:
Banner Designer Name and Email:
Beta Name and Email: