Friday, December 13, 2013

Banners and Summaries Part 2

*dusts off hands, and stares proudly at empty inbox*

All the banners and summaries that have been received have been uploaded. There are still a couple of banners pending due to a couple late sign-ups - we are working with artists to get them completed, and once they are, we will be loading them.

I also have a lot of the stories already in my hot little hands! 

As a result of this fortuitous coincidence, we will be featuring short teasers from the stories over the next eleven days. Get ready, because there are some wonderful submissions this year! 

Don't forget that donations will be accepted right up to the stroke of Midnight on Christmas Eve. We are only at $250 thus far, and our goal of $1500 looks likely unobtainable. However, those of you who have been with me the past few years know that I NEVER give up hope! I won't call it until the last possible second, so please lease please - get those donations in. As little as $5 will not only provide a gift for a child, but will also net you a lovely little stocking stuffer of your own to enjoy over the winter holidays.

Story teasers start tomorrow! 

Until then, one of my favorite Christmas songs and Smooches to you all!

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