Friday, December 21, 2012

Less Than Four Days To Go!

So I was busy cleaning out the inbox this morning, after taking a mental health day from real life and running away with my mom yesterday, and had compiled the totals, sent out thank-yous, and updated the tracker.

I had just opened the text box to start this blog post, when my FB alerted me to a private message, telling me to check the compilation email. And there it was - a $100 donation that pushed us over last year's total. this is the note that was attached to it:

No way in hell are you going to be so close to matching last year and not make it, here's hoping this pushes towards this year's goal.
While we've not had to use the benefit of this amazing program, the year my middle son was born (1997) my husband was an E2 in the Air Force, we had a 20 month old toddler and I was not working. The amazing men and women that my husband had the pleasure of working with, not only surprised us that Thanksgiving with bags upon bags of groceries to put together a Thanksgiving meal, they showed up again about a week before Christmas with more groceries and more presents than we knew what to do with. Our bare tree went to overflowing and my babies had gifts because of military camaraderie. Here's to paying it forward.

I'm simply overwhelmed. Once again, this fandom's heart has risen to the surface. There are less than four days left to make a donation. Can you pass up that extra latte, opt for the dollar menu instead of the Big Mac extra value meal, and make a donation to Toys4Tots to ensure a child won't wake to an empty tree Christmas morning? 

I need to go wash the tear stains off my face, but I'll have another update tomorrow, as well as the story of the year I spent Christmas as the T4T store liaison when I worked for ToysRUs. Stay tuned!


  1. This is so the spirit of giving! I have tears in my eyes reading this wonderful woman's message. Doing my donation today!

  2. Thank you so so much! I was in full on tears when I opened that email and read her message. The hearts I have met since I became involved in fanfiction never cease to amaze me.

  3. right now, i don't do Lattes or McDonalds...we can't afford them either, but i know you wonderful woman have taken your time to write and i thank you for your time and will not miss 5.00 I wish it were more...some day it will be...xoxo
